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Wed, Mar 26, 2025, 1:00 — 3:00 PM EDT

2025 PDG-FDA Town Hall- Manufacturer Exemption

DSCSA Implementation Progress Toward End of Manufacturer Exemption


03/26/25 1:00 PM 03/26/25 3:00 PM America/New_York 2025 PDG-FDA Town Hall- Manufacturer Exemption PDG and FDA are hosting three town halls on DSCSA implementation efforts in 2025. Each town hall will take place two months before the exemption ends for various trading partners. This is the registration page for the town hall taking place in advance of the manufacturer exemption expiry. Please see the links below to register for subsequent town halls. <br> <br> These virtual town halls will provide a forum for trading partners and other interested parties to share information on continued implementation of DSCSA interoperability and areas of remaining concern.<br> <br> All registrants will receive a confirmation message with a webinar link for the town hall. The webinar link will also be recirculated on the day of the town hall.<br> <br> Individuals interested in providing comments during the town halls should indicate their request to speak on the registration form, at least 10 days in advance of the town halls.<br> <br> Interested parties are invited to attend any or all town halls. Please register separately for each town hall you would like to attend. The registration pages for the next town halls can be found below:<br> • <a href="" target="_blank">Registration page</a> for town hall in advance of the end of the <strong>wholesale distributor exemption</strong><br> • <a href="" target="_blank">Registration page</a> for town hall in advance of the end of the <strong>dispenser exemption</strong><br> <br> *Meeting link and password will be provided in your registration confirmation message as well in an email on the day of the event.&nbsp; Virtual Event DSCSA Implementation Progress Toward End of Manufacturer Exemption false MM/DD/YYYY
Wed, Mar 26, 2025, 1:00 — 3:00 PM EDT